• broken image
  • Traditional Definition:

    ADHD coaching is a collaborative partnership in which the coach supports their client by clarifying their goals, raising self-awareness, and developing strategies and tactics to achieve their identified goals.


    Neural Revolution's Spin on The Definition:

    WE are a team. Together through targeted communication both during and between coaching sessions, we will work to pinpoint the mental blocks that are impeding your progress and brainstorm ideas, strategies, and solutions to overcome them so you can rev up your productivity and smash your goals.

    Who I Coach (Adults 26+)

    The “You’re Too Smart” to Have ADHD Crew:

    • Entrepreneurs
    • Visionaries
    • Creatives
    • PhDs
    • Graduate Students
    • All purpose-driven individuals
  • Coaching Philosophy & Nuts and Bolts

    My Philosophy

    No two people with ADHD are the same; what works for one ADHDer may not work for another and vice versa. Therefore, I take an extremely individualized approach for each client. Integrating the latest psychological and neuroscience research in conjunction with ADHD experiential insights, I guide clients toward realizing and moving toward their life goals and visions. Central to my coaching philosophy is the emphasis on autonomy and agency, recognized as pivotal factors in cultivating motivation according to research (See Self-Determination Theory, Deci & Ryan, 1985). As your coach, my role is not prescriptive, instead, I offer unwavering support and walk with you, on your own unique journey. We are in this together and although I may be an expert on ADHD, you are the expert on YOU! Besides we all know, us ADHDers have the "Don't Tell Me What To Do Complex", so what is the point of me telling you what to do, when we all know we are rebels at heart?

    What it Actually Looks Like To Work Together

    The Discovery Consult

    We begin with a 30 minute discovery consult to explore your unique ADHD experiences, define potential coaching goals, assess our compatibility and determine if our approach aligns with your needs. If you feel ready to start working together right away, you can skip the discovery consult and book an intake session immediately.


    The Intake Session

    Next you will schedule a 60 minute intake session via your preferred meeting modality (Video or Phone Call), where we build off of the discovery call and more deeply outline your coaching goals and potential action plans or we can dive right into a topic or concern that is on your mind.


    Determining Your Coaching Structure & Session Frequency

    Coaching Structure:

    The structure of the coaching relationship is tailored to your unique needs and preferences. Below are examples of what that could look like:

    • Highly Structured: Focusing exclusively on specific goals with each session tied to those objectives and ending our collaboration once they're met.
    • Moderately Structured: Centering on defined goals or visions but also addressing and troubleshooting any immediate life challenges or new opportunities as they arise.
    • Loosely Structured: While there may be some goals or visions primarily using our sessions as a collaborative space for reflection, exploration and problem-solving irrespective of the topic.

    Session Frequency:

    You decide on your preferred session frequency for subsequent 60 minute sessions: Weekly*, Bi-weekly (every other week), Monthly or Intermittment.

    *Dr. Eliza takes a small caseload of 1:1 clients and therefore this cadence is not guaranteed.


    In Between Session Contact!

    Your not on your own in between sessions! We can be in touch in between sessions for support via text, WhatsApp, or email.



    • 30 Minute Discovery Consult: $45
    • Intake Session: $175
    • 60 Minute Sessions: $175

    There is no up front long term commitment and no minimum session purchase. Sessions are taken on a session-by-session basis for optimal flexibility.


    With the exception of the intake session, payment for sessions is due following completion of the session.


  • Scheduling

    Schedule Discovery Consult

    Investment: $45

    Schedule Intake Session

    Investment: $175